Tag Archives: hunger games

Mockingjay Part 1 review plus Black Friday/Cyber Monday book deals!

“If we burn, you burn with us!”

I went to go see Mockingjay Part 1 with a friend on Wednesday and I had very high hopes that this movie was going to be amazing as the other two have been. I’m still unsure if I really liked it or if I thought it was a bit disappointing so I will definitely be going to see it again to confirm my feelings about it. I found the books a bit dull and repetitive and progressively worse as I read the trilogy so it’s safe to say that I feel the films are – for once – better than the books. I know there are a few die-hard fans out there so here are a few reasons why I don’t like the books before people try to murder me:

  • Katniss Everdeen is too melodramatic and an unbelievable protagonist
  • The whole love-triangle thing doesn’t work properly in this trilogy and would be better placed in different circumstances
  • Catching fire was basically the Hunger Games but kicked up a notch
  • Mockingjay had no story and could’ve been written in about 100 pages compared to a whole book
  • Collins killed a lot of characters and it became far too confusing for any reader to work out who’s dead and who is alive
  • Katniss Everdeen gifs - katniss-everdeen Fan Art

HOWEVER I feel the movies have managed to almost expel all of these elements which I really love so it makes the films so much better. The budget for Mockingjay is certainly higher than it was for the other movies so we really get the effect of the war-like drama that is happening and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Safe to say Jennifer Lawrence absolutely smashes it as Katniss and has transformed my opinions of the book character as Katniss is basically a sassy Jen which makes her a somewhat decent character to watch. Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence animated GIF

There was a much bigger presence of Gale in this movie than there has been in the others which is great because he really completes this movie and I think that his character was always underplayed throughout the series despite his importance to Katniss and her family. More Gale for part 2 please! *even though he makes a boo boo at the end of Mockingjay!*

The ‘proppo’s’ were kind of…interesting. I found they looked very amateurish which you could argue is because of district 13’s team not being a film company however they were this awkward phase of being better than a school project but not good enough to be decent advert. Maybe that’s just me being picky but I found it hard to take them seriously at times although the “if we burn, you burn with us” scene gave me chills!

My biggest realisation came at the end of the film though where I discovered that these films are cast exceptionally well. Stanley Tucci, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Sam Claflin and several other of the minor characters, particularly the president of 13, are undeniably the stars of the show and were cast perfectly. Without them (and of course, Jen), I don’t think these films would’ve had half the success they’ve gained so I’m grateful to the casting directors for doing the idea of the Hunger Games justice.Beyonce Dance animated GIF

I guess if you’re not a hypercritical media student like myself, you can enjoy the movie without locating technical faults in them. I really do think that this film might take a second watch to secure my opinion on it as the beginning was fairly slow but I’m sure it has really hit hard with audiences and I know that part 2 will definitely be a massive success!


Happy Black Friday; here are some book deals which will make you happy!

Waterstones, UK booksellers have a couple of NEW hardbacks half price at the moment. Buying from bookshops like Waterstones, Blackwells and independent shops is so important to keeping the book alive so if you know anyone who wants a super good deal on a hardback book which goes on until cuber Monday, click here! They also have great deals in store on new paperbacks and other hardbacks so pop in store and look as every store is different!

Amazon also have loads of good deals on right now such as 3 for £10 on paperbacks and great deals on their hardbacks! Kindle store is also great if you’re in to that kind of thing and the amazing Sarah Alderson’s Out of Control is on sale right now for 99p so go go go! (And whilst you’re there, check out her other stuff!)

Barnes and Noble appear to have some good deals going on too! As I’m British it doesn’t particularly apply to me but I know it will to a lot of you! Not only is it on books but there are loads on book related products so pop in and buy something to make someones christmas!

I’ve spoiled myself in today’s deals and brought myself a MacBook from Ebay! Got to love a good deal!

Hope you all enjoy your Black Friday/Cyber Monday and if any of you have any input on the new Mockingjay movie, I’d love to hear!

Good luck with your Black Friday shopping and my the odds be ever in your favour…

First Drafts Hunger Games animated GIF

Is x

Twitter: @MarvellousShelf

Instagram: @issysmarvellousbookshelf

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The Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, The Walking Dead… All successful franchises. And what do they have in common? Dystopia.

DYSTOPIA: an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. The opposite of utopia.

Has Dystopia lost its meaning? Is it beginning to mean the exact opposite of what it’s meant to? This obsession with the danger and destruction appears to be quite prevalent in recent teen fiction it’s got to a point now where we wish for our lives to be like these dystopias; whether you want to put someone you hate in the arena or take your best friend as your zombie killing partner, the influence of dystopian fiction has been massive!

Not this Jonathon Ross but we love him too!

I’ve been sent a copy of Image Comics’ America’s Got Powers by Jonathan Ross and Bryan Hitch which fits in to this topic of Dystopia perfectly… The general plot of this story is that a crystal came down to earth and landed in San Francisco and all the pregnant women in a 5 mile radius gave birth to healthy, supernatural children. These children were segregated from normal kids and now fight on live TV for the chance to join the super team of heroes.

So yeah…I guess it’s pretty similar to the Hunger Games but isn’t everything now? Plus I think the super powers give this story an edge over the others; it’s turned the concept on its head and makes it seem more like a utopia on the surface which most dystopias don’t do. It’s pretty different and I’m really enjoying it.

Are there any other dystopias you think don’t get enough attention? Let me know, maybe I’ll add it to my reading list!

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That’s it for now!

See you on Friday,

Is x

Twitter: @Marvellousshelf

Instagram: @issysmarvellousbookshelf

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